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Nano Soma Immune Spray

Benefits your Health & Longevity


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NANO SOMA Immune Spray

The holy grail of immune system support, our patented spray formula improves energy and strengthens immunity. This plant-based, five-ingredient emulsion containing nano policosanol delivers a safe, revolutionary method of helping the body restore key biological functions.

NANO SOMA Immune Spray adapts to the body with consistent supplementation. Take 5 sprays daily under the tongue or as directed. For non-everyday users, spray at first sign of feeling depleted or unwell.

About Nano Soma:

NANO SOMA (US patent 8,722,093 Metadichol®) is a nano emulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods.

It is commonly called policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat and peanuts.

NANO SOMA acts on nuclear vitamin D receptors (VDR) (US patent 9,006,292 Metadichol®) that are present in cells throughout the body to stimulate the immune system and inhibit a variety of disease processes.


1.  Vitamin C: 

Some mammals (including humans) are not able to produce Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals. It makes collagen tissues and is essential for healthy bones, teeth, gums, blood vessels, immune function and wound healing. Nano Soma enables the human body to increase Vitamin C endogenously without taking any vitamin C supplements. This helps to reduce the risk of diseases associated with Vitamin C deficiency.

2. Vitamin D3: Due to modern lifestyle, most people are not getting sufficient Vitamin D from sun exposure and have a compromised immune system. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to more than 400 diseases. By binding to Vitamin D Receptors (VDR), Nano Soma serves as a substitute for Vitamin D3 and helps to restore proper immune functions and improve overall health.

3. Human Genes: In gene analysis, Nano Soma is found to regulate more than 2300 human genes. By up-regulating (activating) and down-regulating (inhibiting) certain genes, Nano Soma can affect a wide range of disease processes. For example, Nano Soma expresses more than 260 genes that are also known to be produced in the brain and can help to improve the condition of people with brain related health problems such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease.

4. Microbial Species: In independent studies, Nano Soma  inhibits a wide range of microbial species of viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast and parasites. This includes Zika, Dengue, Ebola, Marburg, Influenza A (H1N1), Chikungunya, Human Respiratory Syncytial, Adenovirus, Tacaribe Mammarena, Rift Valley Fever, SARS Coronavirus, Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile, Yellow Fever, Staphylococcus Aureus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Escherichia Coli, MRSA, Syphilis, and many others. By improving the immune defense system, Nano Soma serves as the best anti-microbial agent against many viral and bacterial infections.

5. Blood Vessel Repair: A stem cell can become any one of the 220 different cells in the body. In cord blood studies, Nano Soma has demonstrated the ability to produce our body’s own pluripotent stem cells. As a result, Nano Soma is very effective in enhancing wound healing (including diabetic wounds,cut and burn), in repairing damaged organs and blood vessels, and in healing skin diseases.

6. Reduces pain: When there is an imbalance in certain key proteins and hormones in our body, we can get sick. For example, a high level of NF-κB, TNF-α and ICAM-1 proteins, a low level of adiponectin protein, and an abnormal level of PA1-1 and MCP-1 proteins can lead to many diseases. Nano Soma helps to regulate the level of these proteins and different hormones (including TSH and Testosterone) and helps to lower the risk of many diseases. Nano Soma also reduces inflammation and pain of the joints and muscles.

7. Improves Anti-Aging: By improving the immune system, increasing vitamin C level, regulating human genes, serving as an effective anti-microbial agent, reducing the risk of contracting chronic diseases, and corrects for abnormal biomarkers and underlying health problems, Nano Soma helps to improve longevity through many avenues. It only takes one successful road to longevity to make Nano Soma a Great Invention of Mankind.

The Spiritual Connection

“Vaitheeswaran” temple’s (in English means Doctor’s Temple) pond in India has no bacteria in it because of natural NANO SOMA.
Although this pond looks murky, there are no bacteria growing in it. It has been tested. This is because a ritual at the temple involves blessing jaggery (raw sugar) and throwing it in the pond. Jaggery contains the constituents of NANO SOMA.

This temple is believed to be 5600 years old. Devotees worship jaggery and immerse it in the temple pond that is believed to cure 4448 diseases.

The unrefined sugar contains policosanol, the active ingredient of NANO SOMA.The policosanol is removed by the refining process for sugar, rice and other grains.

Vaitheeswaran Temple
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